How to: Install an Hour Meter
By now most riders are familiar with hour meters particularly on four stroke motocross race machines as the high performance race motor requires closer attention, more frequent servicing and maintenance than their more primitive two stroke ancestors.
What is an Hour Meter?
Basically a motocross race machine is built to be simple, light and fast so parts which aren’t a necessity like a folding side stand or some kind of a dashboard with gauges are simply not included.
However adding an hour meter is a great way to keep track of servicing and maintenance, once installed every moment the motor is running the counter ticks over and stores the total running hours on its display.
Hour Meters Help You Keep Track Of Servicing
This is perfect for four stroke machines as regular dirt bike oil and oil filter changes, replacing piston rings, top end bearings, pistons and checking valve clearances should all be a part of your maintenance schedule. Depending on your budget and how serious you take your racing there are riders who replace piston rings every 20 hours and complete top ends every 40.
We will take a more in depth look at top end rebuilds and servicing in another MXstore helpful advice article but for now here is the how to on installing your hour meter!
How to Install an Hour Meter:
- Find a suitable mounting location - Most riders will mount the meter on the frame of the bike up near the steering head of the bike where it is clearly visible and out of the way. Another common place is mounted on the frame above the fuel tank facing back at the rider, there are hour meter mounting kits available for some bikes which make it easier.
- Alternatively you can use a sticky adhesive like a 3M tape, silicone glue or even the less popular method of drilling into the actual motorcycle frame itself and fasten the hour meter with screws.
- Start from the spark plug end and check there is enough cable to reach the intended location of the display screen, begin by wrapping the end of the meter pick-up wire around the spark plug cable at least 5 times tightly to ensure a solid connection is formed so the meter works properly. (Some bikes don’t have a spark plug wire, but you can wrap the pick-up wire around the dust boot of the spark plug to achieve the same result). Once neatly wrapped zip tie the loose end to the pick-up wire leading to the meter and seal the end of the wire with a drop of silicone to prevent moisture entering the wire.
- Run the cable to the desired location of the meter using cable ties to secure any excess wire along the way, install the wire to the hour meter by pressing the wire into the entire length of the hour meter slot with a flat screw driver.
- Attach the hour meter to your bike in whichever method you have decided on, allow any silicone to dry and you are ready to go!
Please note: Standard factory settings on most carburetted machines is 1.0ppr (pulse per revolution) but some fuel injected models are now 0.5ppr, consult your owners’ manual to check what ppr your bike is to ensure your hour meter displays an accurate reading.
Check Out The Range Of Hour Meters At MXstore:
If you have any questions regarding hour meter installation or servicing of your motorcycle, don’t hesitate to contact the friendly team at MXstore
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