The MXsteeze #34 with Joey Savatgy

Name: Joey Savatgy
Sport: MX/SX
City: State you reside in: Menifee, CA
Birthday: 02/19/94
Age When First Started Riding: 3.5
Favorite Track: Red bud
Team: Monster Energy Pro Circuit Kawasaki
Inspiration: Be the best at what I do
What's on your IPOD playlist? Mainly rap music haha
When I'm not Riding I like to: Hang out and go jet skiing
Something that most people don¹t know about you: People assume that I am just cocky, but I am actually just really quiet until I get to know you.
Quote: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Career History
How did you start riding? My dad used to ride.
Awards, Career Honors, Awards, and Highlights:
2008 – won both my titles at LL
2011 – World Junior Championship
2013 – Rookie of the Year (Supercross)