Corey Creed
After a hugely successful 2019 season with Corey Creed, we're pumped to be back on board with him for 2020. We've been fortunate enough to be in Corey's corner for a number of years now, and it's incredible to look back on the success he has achieved over the last few years. We're excited to gear up for another big year with Corey and rest assured, there are some HUGE things in the works for 2020.
We're quite selective here at MXstore when it comes to the athletes we work with. We want them to be not only great role models and ambassadors for our own brand, but also for the sport of dirt bike riding in general. Corey is on the leading tier of both those fronts, so we thought we'd spend a little time and give you guys an opportunity to get to know the guy behind the world records and gold medals!
At the start of 2020, Corey holds an impressive record. He's a 3-time X Games medallist (2 gold and 1 silver), the Nitro World Games Quarterpipe Champion, as well as the current World Record holder for the highest quarterpipe jump on a dirt bike. Not a bad resume if you ask us! Check out the Rockstar Energy recap of the 2019 Nitro World Games event below, where Corey broke the world record.
Unfortunately, the 2020 event calendar was thrown into a bit of chaos by the COVID-19 pandemic, so we're patiently waiting for some big things to come this year. In the meantime though, you can check out the time we tagged along with Corey to Las Vegas for the Dirt Shark Biggest Whip Competition at the Monster Energy Cup below.
As with all elite moto athletes in their chosen disciplines, the kind of success that Corey has achieved does not come without the help of an amazing team around him. We've put together some of the key brand partners of the Corey Creed team below, not only to give them a shoutout and some of the recognition they deserve, but also so you guys can shop the same products as Corey!
Check out some of the images below from at the @goldcoaststudio for some close up looks at Corey's 2020 machine and see for yourself how good it looks!