Risk Racing

Risk Racing is a USA based company who design high quality innovative products. Risk Racing product is manufactured to perform and last, as it’s used by many factory race teams. With a huge selection or bike and rider accessories, there’s something for just about anyone who’s serious about dirt bikes.

Any racer in the world will tell you how the start is the most important part of the race, Risk Racing agree! The Risk Racing Start Gate is an electronic portable start gate for practicing and perfecting those intense starts. The gate is controlled with a remote button which can be strapped to your handlebars for a random timed automatic drop, or can be held by a friend or trainer and be used in the manual setting which drops as soon as the button is hit. The gate is then easily reset by lifting and clicking it back into place, it’s that easy. These gates have been used by professionals like Dean Wilson, Davi Millsaps, Zach Osbourne and James Stewart. If guys at their level can benefit from it, so can just about anybody.

A lot of riders have issues with finding places for tie-downs and having to get their bike in the right spot so the bike is secure while travelling. The Risk Racing Lock-N-Load is a completely tie-down free transport system which mounts to the floor of your ute, van or trailer and clamps down over your footpegs, not putting any harsh loads on your suspension. The spring-loaded top jaw is pushed down over the top of your footpeg and locked into place with the locking pin, which can be tightened or loosened after being locked into place. Having this system will also save a lot of room, allowing more bikes or gear if need be. Available in 2 sizes for full-sized and mini bikes, never worry about the hassle of tie-downs again.