Axle Blocks are an important part of your motocross bikes chain adjuster settings. The axle blocks generally have an integrated space in the swingarm where they sit flush against the surface. Typically after a few rides on your chain, it stretches slightly, meaning you need to adjust accordingly. OEM Adjuster blocks are typically harder to use with larger incremental spaces which can cause a rear wheel misalignment and therefore making the sprocket spin at a different angle to the direction of the chain.
Your rear axle nut tightens into our range of cnc machined elite axle blocks after you have used the axle adjuster increments on the lollipop style product. Offroad dirtbikes constantly need their chains adjusted and these products are made to be a chain tensioner with very simple and effective use. Each kit comes with new adjuster bolts to complete the fresh replacement.
We offer a range of dirtbike axle blocks from leading brands to replace your OEM parts and add some bling kits to your Bike! Brands such as Works connection, Hammerhead, RHK and Zeta are all huge sellers! Our range of billet axle blocks is to suit all of your current model KTM's, Husqvarna's, Honda's, Yamaha's, Kawasaki's and more!